Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lizards in sweaters, now with more boxes!

Two weeks after I wrote it and a week later than I intended to post it, but here it is. Of note regarding the tardiness of this post: I hate CenturyLink and encourage you to terminate any and all friendship you may have with them before they turn on you in inevitable customer service betrayal.  I'm trying to protect you.  Learn from my anguish.

Anyway! Now we have internet again so:
Fun with Boxes, or: one of many ways in which one can torture one's cats (mostly unintentionally). 

So there’s this fun thing when you’re moving where your house is full of boxes.  And then you move all those boxes.  And then your other house is full of boxes.  It’s like you’re entire life is being taken over with boxes, and then you start to go just a little bit insane.  Just a little bit.

At first, your cats are interested in your boxes.

They make themselves the king and the queen of the box towers.

It’s only right that you should draw their castle onto the boxes that make it up.

Including portraits of your favorite lizards.  Man, am I a good artist or what?

Then, on moving day, you may become a horrible trickster and use the interest in boxes to get your poor terrified cat into the car.  (Don’t worry, she got her revenge by peeing on my only unpacked pair of pants.  While I was wearing them.)

And then when you’ve put all your stuff away, you have all these boxes left over.  What are you supposed to do with them?

Well obviously you use the empty room in your giant new house to build the biggest and best box fort in your entire box fort building life.

A box fort complete with passageways.

And secret rooms.

Obviously any serious box fort builder will only do her building in her feety pajamas.

Some cats love box forts.

Other cats hide under the bed and glare at you until you’re done with your childish shenanegans.

By the way, it’s really difficult to get a picture of a cat hiding under the bed.  Go try it.  You’ll see what I mean.

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