Sunday, March 2, 2014

Self Portraits

So, I didn't get any process photos for these, but nobody really likes process photos anyway.  So it's short and sweet today.

Matt and I have been working hard at that most important of all artistic endeavors: the self portrait.  First, Matt made these lovely little Lego figures.  It took forever for him to get the right pieces for my socks and my hair.  But I'd say that in the end, they're pretty good likenesses.

 And then, since I took up cross stitching, he designed me this lovely little family sampler.  I know I'm a bit biased, but I think it's amazing.  From left to right, more or less, we have Hermes, Butterstix, Tamama, Isis, Watson, Phaedra, Ariadne, Rasputina, Bianca, Grendel, and Baba Yaga.  Oh, and Matt and me.

Here it is with a frame.  Should have taken process pictures of the framing, but I was too angry to worry about such things.  Of note, framing cross-stitch isn't the easiest thing ever.

And all of our various portraits together on the family shrine.  Damn, we're cute!  Now we just need to add another human to the mix, please!  Oh, and a dozen baby tortoises, perhaps.

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